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Academic Publications.

  1. O. Ojo, X. Lin, H. Lang, “A Threshold-Based Voltage Fault Detection Method Enabled by A Novel Neural Network Architecture for Lithium-ion Batteries” [Under Review]
  2. O. Ojo, X. Lin, H. Lang, and Y. Kim, “A Recurrent Neural Networks Approach for Estimating the Core Temperature in Lithium-Ion Batteries”, Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering. Volume 3, Jun. 2020, doi: 10.32393/csme.2020.130
  3. O. Ojo, H. Lang, Y. Kim, X. Hu, B. Mu and X. Lin, "A Neural Network-Based Method for Thermal Fault Detection in Lithium-Ion Batteries”, in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2020.2984980
  4. J. Ojo, X. Lin and H. Lang, "Resonant-Inductive Wireless Power Transfer for Autonomous Mobile Robots",, 2019. [Online]. Available: